When it is right to say No

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By Elena Guarrella, Giorgio M.Sofia ISBN 9966-08-107-0; Pages120; Publication year 2005; 1st reprint 2010: 3rd reprint 2022 Read more

Tags: When, it, is, right, to, say, No
Weight: 160
SKU: #YcWhtxcHHN

From the moment one leaves the mother's womb, there are many practical nos that are necessary for the proper up-bringing of a person. These can be expressed in different ways, verbal and non-verbal. Parents say no to their children, thus teaching them to say/do one thing or another. And when children receive and accept an appropriate no, they gain the capacity to, in their turn, say no, even to their own parents. Thus, such children surpass their dependencies on others, growing up to be responsible and independent. On the other hand, if a firm no is never given, or not accepted, chances are that such a child will not grow to be a responsible adult, or parent, since they would be incapable of putting down their limits. In the end, the consequences of a no, spoken or unspoken, accepted or rejected, if well learned, determine the quality of relationships one will have in adulthood with others as well as with oneself.

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