Successful Wife (A)

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By Theresia Makau Keeping Love Burning ISBN 9966-08-245-X; Pages 128; Publication 2007: 1st reprint 2014 Read more

Weight: 175 g
SKU: #JO0XpZolJ3

Behind a successful wife there is a successful husband and a loving family. Theresia Makau, in this book makes use of her experience to present and help young women who are preparing for marriage or are already married. When a woman gets married she does so with certain goals and objectives in mind. The hierarchy among these goals may differ for different women but their nature is about the same for most of them. A woman wants love, companionship, security, understanding/trust and above all a family, and with children. To be a successful wife is not the consequence of events, rather it is a journey through life, loving and keeping love burning for the husband and the children. A successful wife is a combination of factors such as attitudes, discipline, effort and style.

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