Social Analysis for the 21st Century

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By Maria Cimperman ISBN 9966-08-973-X; Pages 222: Publication 2015 Read more

Weight: 335

Today, the widespread use of social analysis in many form, makes Maria Cimperman's Social Analysis for the 21st Century very timely and helpful. Based on her experience of teaching courses, conducting workshops, and participating in social movements, the author has brought together both theory and practice with good examples, realistic methods, and probing challenges. This book explores the "Pastoral spiral." This process, undertaken communally, in dialogue, is geared towards the transformation of systems and also towards the transformation of individuals and peoples involved . The process offers tools for seeing, assessing, reflecting responding, acting and helping people to work together to imagine and allow possible responses to emerge from a vision of God's world, and finally to take action to create this vision. Social Analysis for the 21st Century is a necessary tool for the follower of Jesus's gospel today, both for more profound theological reflection and for a more effective social action.

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