Shifting Ground of Doing Theology (The)

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Perspectives from Africa By Emmanuel Wabanhu & Dr. Marco Moerschbacher (Eds) ISBN 9966-60-056-1; 224 pages, publication 2017 Read more

The Shifting Ground of Doing Theology is essentially a theological book which presents a theological argument for the imperative of location or perspective in developing contextual theological method in Africa. It also seeks to demonstrate the much needed relationship between orthodox and orthopraxis in Catholic theology, which must be complimentary to each other. Its our great hope that this book will be able to accomplish its purely academic goal which is to provoke a continuous theological debate on the relevance of the ground in doing contextual theology in Africa and ultimately to highlight the positive contribution of Africa contextual theology to theology worldwide.  " For the general reader, student of theology and seasoned professional theologian alike, this book cannot be recommended enough, and not only to African readers. Its wide scope should attract the curiosity of anyone interested in understanding and action, orthodoxy and orthopraxis or knowledge and the transformation of the individual person and society, guided by the message of Jesus Christs." (From the Foreword)

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