Rosary of Praise

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ISBN 996-08-189-5; Year of publication 2007; Reprint 2020: Pages 55 By Capt. Simon Singh Meditations and Reflections on Praising God Read more

Tags: Rosary, of, Praise
Weight: 70 g

What do you think when someone says, "Praise the Lord?" Does it embarrass you, or does it strike you as strange, appropriate, logical or weird? Does it make you uncomfortable? Or does it make you feel at ease? King David, didnt feel shy about expressing his love for God. In 2 Samuel 6:14, he danced for Joy before the Lord, and he says boldly, "Praise the Lord." The subject of praise and worship is one of the most important of all Bible themes. It is also one of the most neglected. Rosary of Praise helps us to understand what praising God means. It explains who should praise the Lord, when, where and why. "Those who offer praise as a sacrifice honour me" (Psalms 50:23) Each time we say, "praise the Lord," we are bringing glory and honour to our God.

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