Risen from the Ashes - Theology as Autobiography in Post-Genocide Rwanda

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By Marcel Uwineza, SJ ISBN 9966-60-252-7; 255 pages, publication 2022 Read more

Writing this book has helped me to understand that I, like many Rwandans, have seen deep rivers and have grown deep like them. Pondering the experiences of the wounds and scars that Rwanda has borne, it became clear that we are, all of us, products of our cultures, our natural and social surroundings, our histories, our education, our familiar and societal experiences, and ultimately our orientation toward God. These help to define, although do not determine, who we are and who we may become. My exposition of my ashes and testimony that have sprung from them are not meant to engender pity for me. Rather, this book seeks to assist the reader, indeed, humanity to understand, at least in part, why we are who we are and how various conditions and circumstances influence the choices we make. Despite the long and painful journey that this book narrates, I am convinced that there is still the possibility to dream and this is expressed by Jeremiah when he tells Israel: “‘For I know well the plans I have in mind for you – oracle of the Lord – plans for your welfare and not for woe, so as to give you a future of hope” (Jer 29:11). (Introduction)

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