Reflecting on Our Priesthood

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ISBN 9966-08-298-0; Year of publication 2008; 1st reprint 2009: Pages 112 By Francis Cardinal Arinze Read more

In the Introduction of this work, Francis Cardinal Arinze dedicates this work to the newly ordained priest. He is saying to him, "My dear brother Priest welcome to the sacred Priesthood. Here are my thoughts on this ministry after fifty years of engagement in it. Perhaps you will find some of them useful. Safe Journey." Priesthood is a gift that deserves to be appreciated, to be loved and to be shared with others. As a Catholic priest who will celebrate fifty years of priesthood this year, the Cardinal reflects on what the priesthood has come to mean to him, specifically as a priest in Africa. He does not, however, exclude priests from other parts of the world, as the priesthood is the same everywhere and only local situations may be different. 

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