Recipes for Good Manners

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compiled by Theresia Swai and Rebecca James ISBN 9966-08-602-1; Pages 80: Publication 2011 Read more

Categories: BOOKS / FORMATION / Recipe Series
Weight: 80 g
SKU: #1BQw4JtB7c

Good manners are acquired assests for a lifetime. They involve treating people with respect and courtesy, being polite in our interactions with each other, both verbally and physically, and living our lives with simplicity. The rewards of these acquired qualities are immense. Our manners define us. Cultural traditions play an important role in manners, just as religious beliefs, social status and economic class. Good manners involve treating people with respect and courtsey,being polite in our dialogue, being simple in our living and being hospitable towards others. It is our manners that make us persons.

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