Proclaim the Word of Life

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Pastoral Reflections on the Ministry of the Reader By Rinaldo Ronzani, MCCJ ISBN 9966-21-969-2; 64 pages; 1st reprint 2007 Read more

From the earliest days of the Church, the proclamation of the Scriptures has been an integral part of the Christian liturgy. Even today, it is above all through the Liturgy that many Christian come into contact with the word of God, particularly during Sunday celebration of the Eucharist. This vital contact with the Scriptures is mediated by the readers who enable the faithful to truly hear and understand the word of God. To do to this effectively, the readers must have a strong personal faith and must be able to reveal their faith through simple, natural delivery of the word. At the same time it is necessary that those who exercise the ministry of reader be truly qualified and carefully prepared so that the faithful may develop a warm and living love for Scriptures from listening to the sacred texts read. In most of our parishes and missions, people are chosen to act as readers but are often not trained. This booklet presents some of the important "spiritual and technical" aspects of their formation.

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