Pastor, Peacebuilder, Statesman - Rev Haruun Ruun Lual

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By John Ashworth ISBN 9966-60-250-3; 200 pages; 2022 publication Read more

A young boy loses his arm after a tragic accident on the banks of the Nile. He is determined to prove that this is not the curse that his Dinka community believes it to be; for him, disability is not inability. He struggles to get an education, rare in those days, and becomes a Christian pastor. He leads his church through the transition from missionaries to indigenous leadership, and begins to preach a liberation message of freedom for his African people. He is forced into exile after threats from the Islamist military regime in Sudan, and he continues his education in the USA. Eventually he comes back to lead the council of churches during the struggle for the liberation of the southern Sudanese people, always following the path of nonviolence. After the Comprehensive Peace Agreement was signed in 2005, Rev Dr Haruun Ruun Lual becomes a presidential advisor, a cabinet minister, and now a senator; truly an elder statesman.

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