Order Liturgical year 2024-2025

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year of publication 2024 Read more

Weight: 175
SKU: #ZbpMfcgX8D

Christ’s saving work is celebrated in sacred memory by the Church on fixed days throughout the year. Each week on the day called the Lord’s Day the Church commemorates the Lord’s resurrection. Once a year, at Easter, the Church honours this resurrection. Once with the utmost solemnity. In fact through the yearly cycle the Church unfolds the entire mystery of Christ and keeps the anniversaries of the saints. During the different seasons of the Liturgical year, the Church, in accord with traditional discipline, carries out the formation of the faithful by means of devotional practices, both interior and exterior, instruction, and works of penance and mercy. Each day is made holy through the Liturgical celebrations of the people of God, especially through the Eucharistic sacrifice and the divine office. The Liturgical day runs from midnight to midnight, but the observance of Sunday and Solemnities begins with the evening of the preceding day.

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