Mystery of Grace

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ISBN 9966-60-255-8; Publication 2022: Pages 200 Read more

In the Mystery of Grace, Fr Herman offers a simple and easily readable presentation of the historical debate on grace, followed by a comprehensive synthesis of the contributions of the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries to the Theology of grace.

The synthesis helps to clarify the controversies that had arisen in history. Among the central themes tackled are the unity of the divine economy and the pre-eminence of God's love in it; the centrality of Christ in this economy; the origins of the human race and the theology of original holiness, original sin and natural evil; our divine adoption in Christ  and the wonderful gift of Trinitarian indwelling; the relationship between grace and human freedom; justification, growth in holiness and perseverance, our experience of grace, and the ecclesial dimension of grace.

The reader will find this book very helpful for deepening his understanding of the great marvel of sanctification that God brings about in us through the grace of Jesus Christ.

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