Journeying Together in Hope

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ISBN 9966-60-313-5, Year of publication 2024, Pages 328 Series 3 Read more

Weight: 330 g
SKU: #rEA5Qngc2q

This book or field manual offers specific and concrete approaches to being a synodal Church in Africa. It is designed to stimulate more extensive and contextual conversations in Africa drawing from the Synthesis Report and relating these theological and pastoral considerations to the Kampala Pastoral document of SECAM, the Addis Ababa Continental Synodal Report, the two African synods, and the writings and experiences of our African theologians, pastoral agents, and Christians. This book brings together in short, simple, and practical ways some of the important themes and developments in theology and pastoral care n Africa since Vatican II, while offering concrete steps and proposals for co-responsibility and the full participation of all of God's people in Africa through their gifts and faith to the building of the Church-Family of God that offers abundant life to all.

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