Inculturating the Church in Africa

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Edited by Cecil McGarry and Patrick Ryan Theological and Practical Perspective ISBN 9966-21-600=7; Pages 272; Publication 2001 Read more

Weight: 380
SKU: #WuEuI0yI1j

What is striking in today's Africa is the growing commitments to the inculturation of the Church. More and more Africa Christians of all ages and backgrounds are able to discern the values of Africa religion and culture, and they want to offer these values for the enrichment of the church in Africa and the global church. This commitment is in line with the Second Vatican Council. A primary concern of the council, facing a post-colonial Africa, was to show a maximum respect for cultural pluralism. The council's documents tell us that the church, in spite of all appearances to the contrary, is not tied exclusively to any one race, nation or culture. Rather it must embrace and build upon the cultures of the peoples among whom it is privileged to minister. In doing so the church enriches both itself and the cultures in which it exists.

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