How to Live with HIV/AIDS

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ISBN 9966-21-903-X; Year of publication 2003: pages 24 Read more

Categories: BOOKS / HIV/AIDS
Tags: How, to, Live, with, HIV/AIDS
Weight: 35
SKU: #sjExQmeEb2

Dear Friends,

This booklet is for you. It has been prepared with love and concern in order to help you to live your life positively up to the end. Every minute of your life is precious in front of God and he wants you to live with the awareness of his love for you and in the best way possible. In these few pages you will find basic instructions about how to keep yourself healthy, some hygienic rules, suggestions on how to talk about your situation to the persons involved in your life and how to find peace of mind and of heart in God. You can live a meaningful life even if you are sick with AIDS. God loves you as you are. When one is sick it is easy to feel discouraged and depressed and despair. It is however, possible to look at the situation differently by taking care of yourself and by following the basic instructions found in the booklet which can help you to live your life more fruitfully and in peace.

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