Guide to Living Christian Love - Marriage and Family Life

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By Africa Family Life Federation ISBN 9966-08-520-3; 72 pages: publication 2010 Read more


What is marriage anyway? Is the commitment of marriage for life? How does one reach marriage? Why get married "in Church?" How to love within the marriage? How to love one's spouse for a whole life? What to think about polygamy? Is dialogue necessary in married life? Can the other fulfill me totally/ Can one live as a Christian during divorce and remarriage? Do l have to tell my fiancé my HIV-Positive statue? The Love of Christ for the Church. " What does this phrase mean?


What is the family? Is the reality of the family important? How can the family play its role? In what ways are the life of the nuclear family and that of the extended family articulated?


What is sexuality? Genitality What does it mean to become "one flesh?" Why does the sexual relationship find its adequate place only within marriage? Chastity? My priest tells me, "You help me to live my celibacy." I answer him, "You, too, help me to live my continence."

Natural Method

What does the word "natural" mean in the expression "natural family planning?" Why does the Church accept antibiotics but reject the pill? Why accept thermometer technology and reject contraceptive technology? We are young, we have a child, and we are using natural methods. Are we open to life if we don't want to have another child right now? Is using a natural method enough to be open to life? The pill renders the woman infertile. Natural methods make it possible to identify infertile days. Isn't that the same thing? The Church is always saying "no" to contraception, To what does she say "Yes?" Why does the Christian stick with natural methods?

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