Exorcisms and related Supplications

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The Roman Ritual ISBN 9966-60-095-0 Read more

Categories: BOOKS / LITURGY
Weight: 190 g
Among the sacramental, the Church, obedient to the Lord’s prayer, has from ancient times mercifully made provision for God to be implored through pious supplications, so that the Christin faithful may be set free from all dangers, especially from the snares of the devil. Moreover, in particular, Exorcists were instituted in the Church, so that, imitating the charity of Christ, they might heal those possessed by the Evil One, even by commanding demons in the name of God to retreat, that they might do no further harm to human creatures in any way. In our own days, it has seemed appropriate to revise the norms handed down and also the collected prayers as well as the formulas in Title XII of the Roman Ritual, so that the rite may be in accordance with the decrees of the Constitutions Sacrosanctum Concilium of the Second Vatican Council and especially with article 79. Therefore, this Congregation promulgates the present renewed Rite of Exorcism, approved by the Supreme Pontiff John Paul II ON 1 October 1998, so that it may be used in place of the norms and formulas from Title XII of the Roman Ritual which have been in use until now.
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