Don Bosco

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By Teresio Bosco ISBN 9966-21-881-5; 400 pages; publication 2003; 1st reprint 2014 Read more

Weight: 530
SKU: #QAJsCtxQ2f

This book presents Don Bosco's life as extracted from the sources.

Dear Friend

I love you with all my heart. It is enough for me to know that you are young to love you so much. You bear the treasure of the Lord's friendship in your heart. Keeping it, you are exceedingly wealthy. Losing it, you are among the poor and unhappy of the world. May the Lord be always with you, and help you to live as his friend. If you behave like that, I assure you that God will always be happy with you, and you will save our soul, the most important thing in life. May God grant you a long and happy life. May the Lord's friendship always be your wealth in this life and in eternity.

Your friend,

John Bosco, Priest

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