Concise Guide to Book VI: Penal Sanctions in the Church

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ISBN 9966-60-312-8; Year of Publication 2024; number of Pages 365 Read more

The book Concise Guide to Book VI: Penal Sanctions in the Church is a practical handbook for those in authority in Particular Churches, Major Superiors, Pastoral Ministers, and Canon Law Students. The author examines how the life of the Church can be guided by regulating adverse actions of individuals, especially those who are entrusted with governance in the Church.

The frailty of the human nature and their liability to fall is an identity that is recognised in this book. This text proves invaluable to the seminarians, religious in formation and ongoing formation, formators, parish priests, and lay people who take up leadership roles in the Church, to help them understand the nature of sanctions, some of which incur automatic penalties.

The author skillfully breaks down the structure of Book VI of the 1983 Code of Canon Law, simplifying its language for those without a background in Canon Law. There are measured penalties for inappropriate actions. The code identifies areas against which violations are considered, which include: religion and church unity; Church authorities; ecclesiastic functions; falsehood; clerical and religious obligations; human life, integrity, and freedom. It is a text worth having at one’s desk for easy reference.

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