Christian Marriage

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By John Burke ISBN 9966-08-243-3; Pages 190; Publication 2007: 2nd reprint 2013 Read more

In this book on Christian Marriage the author gives the reader some information on what marriage should mean for committed Christian Couples and on the need to prepare well for it. Problems in marriage will always be present. What the Catholic Church presents to all couples is a religious frame work for making marriage a success through the use of that great spiritual gift of self-sacrifice, not forgetting, of course, the practice of the other virtues. This work lays much emphasis on the importance of studying marriage in all its aspects. The Church does not expect couples to know all about marriage; rather the Church intends through its institutions, to teach couples about marriage and its significance in their own personal lives and in the overall development of Churchland society. This book is all about the greatest challenge of life for any person, namely, a successful Marriage.

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