Celebrating the Word Year C

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Commentary on the Readings By Fernando Armelini ISBN 9966-21-126-8; 336 pages; publication 1995 Read more

This revised edition of CELEBRATING THE WORD, YEAR C, is a handy source materials for priests, seminarians and catechists who are preparing to meditate with the Christians on the Sunday Readings through their homilies. His Eminence Maurice Michael Cardinal Otunga wrote the Foreword of the first edition of CELEBRATING THE WORD, and his words are still valid today. "A good announcer of the Word will begin to study the context and message of each Sunday's readings as early as the beginning of the week before. The contents will have to be well assimilated if one is to pass them on to others convincingly and confidently." "We  experience so much suffering and tears in our lives: the word of God should be a message of happiness and joy for us all. Let us be bringers of cheerfulness and joy. May the word of God be for you, as it was for the prophet Jeremiah (jer 15: 16), a delight and a joy."

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