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By Juana Guiliche and Cecilia Amarachi, FSP ISBN 9966-08-445-2: publication 2009 Read more

Tags: Albertina
Weight: 45 g
SKU: #uy6RTLH2Mq
On the 11th of April, 1919, Albertina was born into a family of nine children of Mr.Henrique Berkenbrock and Mrs. Josefina Boeing in a village St Luis in Brazil. She was baptised on the 25th of May 1919. Albertina was a German immigrant's daughter from the Republic of Germany. Her family came from a broken region of Westphalia, A small city of Schoppingen, Germany and migrated to Brazil because of war between (1860-1870) . Albertina was zealous in her Christian life. She started her catechism classes and was very attentive. She learnt all that she was taught and memorised catechism lessons especially the Ten Commandments. She was moatly attracted with the sixth commandment, "Thou shall not commit adultery." This particular commandment helped her to understand the value of being pure in spirit and body.
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