You are the salt of the are the light of the world (mt 5: 13-14), is the central message in the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation (Africae Munus) Africa's Commitment of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI on the Church in Africa's commitment to reconciliation, ustice and peace, which was signed on 19 November 2011 in Cotonou, Benin. The Apostlic Exhortation has come as a 'precious treasure" to rekindle the faith and hope of the Church in the African continent; "so as to help build a reconciled Africa by pursuing the paths of truth and justice, love and peace (cf. Ps 85:11)." In this Apostolic Exhortation, Pope Benedict XVI is presenting the fruits that emerged from the Second Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops tothe universal Church, and in particular to Africa and its islands, which took place in Rome from 4 to 25 October 2009 on the theme The Church in Africa, at the service of Reconciliation, Justice and Peace. 'You are the salt of the earth,... you are the light f the world' (Mt 5:13.14). The Holy father wishes to express his love and his spiritual closeness to the pilgrim Church on the Continent of Africa. He says, "I invite you... Arise, church in Africa, family of God, because you are being called by the heavenly Father."
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